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How to check your NUS CORS bidding results as early as 1 hour after the bidding ends?

Update (10 Jan 2013 19:31) - I got my modules. =)

Update (07 Jan 2013 20:00) - I got my module. =)

CENTRALISED ON-LINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM (CORS) website states that students will receive the bidding results (successful or not) via the NUS email. Notice that they are short of telling us when will the email be sent out to us. Usually, you should receive the email 2 to 11 hours after the end of the close bidding round. For AY12/13, the email for Round 1A was sent out after 10pm.

Given the complexity of the whole bidding system and the number of bidders involved in each bidding round, it is not surprising to know that the email will reach your mailbox after midnight. However, I am sure that everyone is eager to know their bidding results before midnight to enjoy a good night sleep. So, the natural question to ask is: can we know the outcome of each bidding rounds before getting the email. Fortunately, YES! The objective of this article to share with all of you a cute trick:

Comment on 31 July 2012 -  It's just 20:37 now but I have already know my bidding results:


1) Log onto your NUS IVLE account.

2) Click on Refresh icon.

3) Select 2012/2013, Semester 1 (the academic semester we are in) from the drop-down menu.

4) Click on the Refresh Modules button.

Modules which appears on the screen are the ones which you have successfully secured after previous bidding rounds. Congratulations! Share your happiness with us by commenting on this post. Tell the readers of this post the modules (especially those very popular modules) which you have allocated after using the above nice trick!

However if the modules you have bid do not show up, there are two possibilities:

(i) You did not secure the module, or

(ii) The bidding results for those modules may not be out yet.

Hence, the only major drawback of this whole trick is that you can only know what modules you have secured successively. Only through the official email will you know for certain what modules you have failed to secure. Based on my personal experience, the bidding results will usually be finalized after 9pm.