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Common Orders of Magnitude

Questions on the order of magnitude have been quite popular in O-level Physics examinations in recent years. Here's a list to help my readers:

Length / m
Diameter of proton ~ 10^-15
Radius of typical atom ~ 10^-10
Diameter of red blood cell ~ 10^-5
Thickness of hair/paper  ~ 10^-4
Length of soccer field ~ 10^2
Radius of Earth ~ 10^6
Diameter of Earth ~ 10^7

Mass / kg
Mass of electron ~ 10^-31
Mass of proton~ 10^-27
Mass of typical atom ~ 10^-25
Mass of 5 cent coin ~ 10^-3
Mass of apple ~ 10^-1
Mass of car ~ 10^4
Mass of bus ~ 10^5
Mass of Earth ~ 10^24

Time / s
Length of a day ~ 10^5

Anyway, here's a website where you can find out the order of magnitude for other physical quantities ( and here's a book on how order of magnitude can help you to make good estimates (